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Philosophy Intro Page

NURS 481 & 314

NURS 481: Role Transition

Philosophy of Nursing Paper


Purpose of the Assignment: This project provides the student with an opportunity to define his/her philosophy of nursing in the early phases of education and professionalization. In the spirit of life-long learning inherent to the practice of nursing, the student will also explore and describe his/her goals for higher level nursing education. As required for the Senior year portfolio, the student can use this project to look back and reflect upon the values, understandings, ambiguities, and personal experiences that have changed or held steadfast throughout his/her undergraduate nursing education and their influence on the transition to the professional nurse role.


Student Approach to Assignment: I approached this assignment with much self reflection of my personal belief. I knew that I chose nursing because it was something that I was interested in but the assignment had me reflect on what caused me to develop the interest that I had in the first place. After much reflection, I realized that my religious beliefs has influenced a lot of what I believe in and the care that I provide. 


Reason for Including this Assignment in the Portfolio: I chose to include this assignment in my portfolio because it shows the viewers the foundation to my practices which is my belief system. The reader will have a better understanding of my personal nursing philosophy which will let them know what motivates me to do what I do. This paper will allow them to better understand who I am as a person as well as a nurse.


Domain 1: Knowledge for Nursing 

  1. Identify concepts, derived from theories from nursing and other disciplines, which distinguish the practice of nursing

  • In my paper, I had included Jean Watson’s theory of Human Caring to further support my belief that establishing a caring relationship with the patient leads to better outcomes in their care. Jean Watson believed that caring should be at the center of patient care which I used to support my philosophy as well as my statement that all people, regardless economic status or ethnicity, should be provided access to healthcare and caring patient care. 

Domains 2, 3: Person-Centered Care and Population Health

     (10) Demonstrates an awareness of cultural preferences and complementary modalities and their usefulness in promoting health

  • In this paper, I displayed cultural awareness specifically of Christianity and how the belief system cam be useful in the healthcare setting. I mentioned how my personal belief system influences the care that I provide by causing me to have more compassion and empathy for my patients. This can be useful to promote health because it can help the patients feel less stressed, more trusting of their nurse or other healthcare providers, and make them more likely to abide by the instructions given to them by their nurse/provider. 

Domain 6: Interprofessionial Partnerships

     (31) Articulates the values of the profession and the role of the nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary health care team 

  • In this paper, I provided both the American Nurses Association’s definition of nursing as well as my own personal definition of nursing. Both definitions provide the reader with a basic understanding of what the nursing profession is and the values that are expected to be upheld by nurses. Further in the paper, I go on to talk about my own personal values which were to treat others how you would like to be treated and to give others the benefit of the doubt to the best of your ability. 

Domain 10: Personal, Progessional, and Leadership Development 

    (33) Explores personal philosophy of nursing and educational goals at the beginning and end of the program 

  •  In this paper, I mentioned what my personal philosophy of nursing was that had been created at the beginning of the program and how it stands as my personal philosophy to this day. I went into detail of my personal belief system of what led my nursing philosophy to be what it is  and how I apply it when I am providing care to my patients. The philosophy not only provides the foundation to the care that I provide but also displays the type of nurse I hope to become. 


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