Role of a Nurse
Intro Page
Role of a Nurse Leader in Safe Patient Care Intro Page
NURS 480W: Leadership
Purpose of the Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to increase student understanding of the role of the nurse leader to ensure safe patient care practices and guide nursing staff and staff of the healthcare team to improve patient, staff, and family member safety within the clinical area
Student Approach to Assignment: My group's approach to writing this paper is to analyze a specific scenario relating to pressure injuries to show the reader the importance of nursing leadership in the aspects of safe patient care. We carefully explored the pressure injury scenario to show the reader the things that were done correctly by the leader and the things that need improvement.
Reason for Including this Assignment in the Portfolio: I chose to include this assignment in my portfolio because it showcases my ability to differentiate between good and poor leadership. It also shows my understanding of how nurses can utilize their leadership skills to ensure safe care within the clinical environments.
Domain 4: Scholarship for the Nursing Discipline
(24) Differentiates between descriptive nursing literature and published reports of nursing research
In this paper, my group and I met this domain by including both nursing research and nursing literature to affirm that the interventions mentioned such as repositioning every 2 hours and decreasing pressure on heel. Our research that provided qualitative data mentioned in the paper came from nursing research while our nursing literature provided types of interventions that are used to prevent pressure injuries
Domain 5,6: Quality and Safety and Interprofessional Partnership
(17) Articulate the nurse’s role as a member of interprofessional team in promoting safety and preventing errors and near misses
Throughout this paper, we are frequently mentioning the expectations of the nurse's role particularly when it comes to pressure injuries. In our paper, we explain that it is the nurse’s role to implement the necessary interventions to prevent pressure injuries which ultimately will promote the safety of the patients health and prevent errors. In this case, the nurse did not meet this role because the patient developed a deep tissue injury after only being on the med-surg unit for 2 days.