Service Learning
Community Health
In this course, we learned about the impact of social determinate of health and how to resolve it as much as possible. We implemented our understanding of epidemiological systems and nursing theories alike to guide our care in local community settings. With a heavy emphasis on promoting community wellness, we studied a specific community's needs and did research to provide the best intervention.

From this class, I have gained much knowledge about social determinants of health and how it displays itself in the communities around. What I really liked about this course was that we did not just sit in lecture and learn about how not having stable finances or health insurance affects a persons livelihood, but we got to see first hand. By actually visiting these communities, it gave us students a chance to display empathy and really put ourselves in others shoes. It was a great learning moment to be able to use our research skills to locate the issue and even more recording to treat it in some way. This class taught how to not only be a nurse that helps a patients physically but in all other manners as well which is I plan to continue to do as I step into my role as new grad nurse.