NURS 412

NURS 412
Health Policy Brief Intro Page
Health Policy Brief Assignment Intro Page
NURS 412: Ethics, Law, Economics, and Policy
Purpose of the Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is for the student to develop advocacy skills. The student will explore a health policy topic from a variety of perspectives, using this information as a foundation for policy development and advocacy. This assignment is designed to help you workin a group to prepare a policy brief which will be sent to a legislator. The assignment engages you in learning about an issue and to accurately - and in a non-biased fashion- identify the policy and political issues that are central to that topic.
Student Approach to Assignment: My approach to creating this poster was to summarize the bill’s purpose which was to establish better standards to protect healthcare and social workers from workplace violence. My group and I worked to provide the most up to date and accurate research to show the increase of workplace violence committed against healthcare workers to emphasize the need for change.
Reason for Including this Assignment in the Portfolio: I chose to include this assignment in my portfolio because it shows that in nursing school we not only learn the necessary skills to provide hands on care but we are also taught to advocate for patients and others alike. This assignment highlights my awareness of the legislative issues that affect those working in the line of healthcare.
Domain 4,7: Scholarship for the Nursing Discipline and Systems-Based Practice
(37) Considers the impact of research outcomes and the effects of health and social policies, on persons from diverse backgrounds.
In this assignment, my group and I took various articles we found through research and used them to further push the passing of the Workplace Violence Prevention for Healthcare and Social Service Workers Act. Through research, we were able to find that healthcare companies who created workplace prevention plans saw a decrease of 17.7% in workplace violence. With our summarized health brief, my group and I wanted to show how workplace violence does not affect one kind of person, but anyone that works in the line of healthcare and there are things that can be implemented to change the narrative.