Community Health Intro Page
Community Health Assignments
NURS 472: Papers and Projects
Purpose of the Assignment: The purpose of the community health projects (Healthy People Presentation, Clinical Application Papers 1&2, and CH poster presentation) are to guide the student through the process of a complete community health initiative. First, the student identifies and applies national level key health indicators and applying them to a community aggregate. Next, the student builds partnerships with stakeholders and community members and applies the nursing process to promote health and well-being. The final part of the project allows students to experience scholarly dissemination of their original projects
Student Approach to Assignment: For my community health assignments I was working with teens from disadvantaged communities to see how I could be most helpful to their situation. My community health group and I felt that though we could change the teens' situation, we may be able to aid in their outlook on it. My approach to this assignment was to help the teens from Teens with a Purpose with their emotional stability.
Reason for Including this Assignment in the Portfolio: I chose to include this assignment in my portfolio because it shows how taking care of the community is included in nursing care. In addition to this, these assignments are also good examples to show how research and analysis are used to create evidenced based nursing interventions.
Domain 2: Person Centered Care
(6) Communicated effectively with individuals
When gathering our in person research by spending time with the youth of Teens With a Purpose, my group and I were in constant communications both with teens and the staff of the facility. We worked side by side with the faculty to ensure that there was time in the daily schedules for us to present our emotional education presentation to the teens as well as to have the teens fill out our survey. We were also in constant communication with the teens to monitor their emotional development through constant conversations and reassessment.
Domain 2,3: Person Centered Care and Population Health
(13) Evaluates nursing care outcomes through the acquisition of data and the questioning of inconsistencies
Towards the end of our research study on the youth of Teens With a Purpose emotional management, my group and I reassessed the teens by having them complete another survey to determine if our interventions worked. The questions that were asked on the suvery given to them at the of the study were consistent with the questions asked on the survey they filled out at the beginning of the study. We compared the answers on both the pre and post survey to determine if there had been any emotional growth, which we found that there was.
Domain 3: Population Health
(21) Assess the priorities of the community and/or the affected clinical population
I assessed and prioritized the needs of teens by evaluating the conditions of their environment and taking surveys of what they felt like they needed help with.
(22) Demonstrates effective collaboration and mutual accountability with relevant stakeholders
I demonstrated effective collaboration with the staff of Teens with a Purpose by helping them with the events that they had for the teens, providing mental health promotion to the teens within the organization and to other teens within the community at community events, and organizing a time to teach the teen in Teens with a Purpose about mental health.
(23) Prioritize patient-focused and/or community action plans that are safe, effective, and efficient in the context of available resources
My community health group and I met this goal by first analyzing the needs of the teens at Teens With a Purpose through a survey. Through observation of their behaviors and the result of the survey, we were able to see that they struggled with many negative emotions such as sadness, stress, and anxiety but mainly anger. We safely conducted our interventions and utilized the resources at the facility by having the teens participate in gardening, writing poetry, and writing rap lyrics to provide them with an outlet to express their emotions in a healthy way. We analyzed the effectiveness of our interventions by comparing our pre and post survey results.
Domain 3,6: Population Health and Interprofessional Partnership
(20) Initiates community partnerships to establish health promotion goals and implements strategies to meet those goals
My community health and I did this by partnering with Teens with a Purpose establishing our health promotion topic which was emotion management and we worked to come up with evidenced based interventions such as art, journaling, and music making to help them with their emotion management.
Domain 4: Scholarship for the Nursing Discipline
(25) Applies research-based knowledge from nursing as the basis for culturally sensitive practice
We applied research based knowledge to guide the creation of our goals for the community and interventions. We did research on the effects of living in low income communities which also enlightened us on the culture of these areas. Doing research on low income communities allowed us to better understand the teens and what they have to deal with on a daily basis.
(28) Communicates scholarly findings with colleagues
My group and I did much research on the effects of living in a low income community and the effects it may have on one's mental health. When we gathered our evidence based material, we presented it to faculty, the community, and other students.
Domain 8: Informatics and Healthcare Technologies
(39) Demonstrates skills in using technology, informatics, and communication devices to deliver care using remote technology
My group and I used technology to provide our health promotions to the teens. One way we did this was by presenting a presentation on emotional intelligence and ways to destress.
Domain 9: Professionalism
(41) Apply principles of professional nursing ethics and human rights in patient care and professional situations
When interacting with the teens from the organization, sometimes it took empathy and understanding to interact with them because at times they would become easily angered or maybe have an inappropriate outburst but in these situations it was important to keep in mind the culture and the environment they are brought up in.